Our firm is considered state and national experts on ballot initiatives. It’s where we cut our teeth and where we learned the ins and outs of how to win. Across the country, we have been on the YES and NO side of tax, energy, gaming, education, development, zoning changes, transportation and children’s issues. Our firm has been involved in over 70 local and state initiatives across the country and we have secured over $30 billion in funding for local and state agencies through initiatives.
Ballot issues are significantly different than a traditional candidate campaign. It is not simply Republican vs Democrat or a primary campaign, where it’s a contest to see which candidate can move further to the left or right. With a ballot issue, traditional political or ideological coalitions are not guaranteed. In many instances, you need to build a community coalition from scratch that may only be aligned for this one issue.
Many ballot initiatives fail even before they get on the ballot. Navigating this process – picking the right election, developing the ballot language, building a coalition, securing the legal and legislative approvals – is complex, and the nuisances are complicated. All this has to occur even before you begin talking to voters.
Our record is clear and we have a 95% win record with ballot initiatives. Winning at the ballot box is tough, but we know how to get it done.